Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Good Intentions

As the old proverbial saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions", so let’s hope this blog does not end in inferno. On that note, I should like to list my good intentions and by the grace of God may they flower into heavenly good works. The following are topics I should like to write on over the passage of time:

o Holy Mother Church also known as the Roman Catholic Church, or sometimes simply the Catholic Church and

- Liturgy with a focus on the Roman Rite with special love for the Latin Mass of ancient use, interest in the Sarum Use, and a special interest in the new Anglican Use

- The great Clear Creek Monastery and the beauty of the Benedictine tradition

- The Anglican Ordinariate

- The Fraternal Society of Saint Peter and worth mentioning again, the Latin Mass, and while on the Latin Mass a shout out to the radtrad and his superb blog

o English culture in its broadest sense, incorporating the great and myriad achievements of the English speaking people from the stars and stripes of the United States to the southern cross of Australia and New Zealand, from forested Canada to the emerald isle of Ireland, and to our sweet mother Britannia and all of her worthy possessions throughout time

- Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II

- Oklahoma, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma, Bishop Slattery and his Tulsa diocese, Oklahoma culture, politics, news, etc.

- the United States of America, culture, current events, etc.

o And more generally speaking:

- Literature, especially the great books and I would like to give a book review after finishing a book

- History, as understood to be Christ’s story of revealing Himself to his beloved

- Philosophy, with a special love for Thomism

- Linguistics, who doesn’t love language

- Book Reviews

- Profiles on persons of interest, especially the great Englishmen, to include but not limited to the following: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, G. K. Chesterton, T. S. Eliot, Hillaire Belloc, Edmund Burke, Thomas Aquinas, Alasdair MacIntyre, Shakespeare, Cardinal Newman et al.

Hopefully the list wasn’t exhaustive. Finally, in the next couple posts I hope to spruce up the page with some graphical tidbits and a post on the Anglican Ordinariate. +Pax vobiscum, Peace.

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